Maya Hotkey 저장하기

Maya/tip 2021. 6. 10. 14:02


Window>Settings/Preferences>Hotkey Editor


Hotkey Editor에서 Export 하면 됨.  다른 마야에서 그대로 불러올 수 있다. 

Posted by sunnysmileHJ

'Maya > nCloth' 카테고리의 다른 글

클로스 옵션  (0) 2019.07.30
nucleus: Wind Direction 쉽게 보기.  (0) 2019.07.30
Posted by sunnysmileHJ


Overlapper 1.1.2

MEL script for Maya. Tool for creating animation of overlapping action.Clients: Sony MPC BLUR NaughtyDog ValveSoftware Riot Games Cinesite Larian DigitalDimension L'atelier animation PiranhaBytes JellyFishPictures BronStudios Plarium IGG Sperasoft Animagra



'Maya > script' 카테고리의 다른 글

reParent v1.8.6 (Pro Version) *유료 스크립트*  (0) 2021.07.01
rivet mel script  (0) 2021.06.10
bh path Anim  (0) 2020.07.01
ATools  (0) 2020.02.06
prSelectionUi 0.9.8 for Maya (maya script)  (0) 2019.08.02
Posted by sunnysmileHJ


hairSystemShape (nHair) node | Maya 2018 | Autodesk Knowledge Network

These are descriptions of the attributes in the hairSystemShape node (also hairSystem node). When modifying these attributes they affect the entire hair system. Simulation Method Simulation Method Controls what is simulated in the hair system. Selection an


nCloth Dynamic Properties | Maya 2020 | Autodesk Knowledge Network

Stretch Resistance Specifies the amount the current nCloth object resists stretching when under tension. Stretch resistance is the force applied to the current nCloth’s links when they are more than their rest lengths. Stretch is applied to the geometry


nCloth attribute presets | Maya 2020 | Autodesk Knowledge Network

This section lists materials that you can create using nCloth and provides significant attribute settings for each material. The attribute values listed in this section are the same attribute values that make up the nCloth Attribute Presets (available from


'Maya > nHair' 카테고리의 다른 글

nHair Collision attributes  (0) 2020.06.05
Posted by sunnysmileHJ

Posted by sunnysmileHJ

KeyFrame Pro

Utility 2021. 2. 5. 15:48


Maya to Keyframe Pro

Overview Maya to Keyframe Pro is a Python script for Maya that allows users to control Keyframe Pro through a compact UI inside of Maya. The script utilizes the Keyframe Pro Client API and provides timeline syncing, viewer controls and playblasting functio

영상 제작 시 여러 레퍼런스를 북마크 해서 저장하고 확인하기 좋아서 늘 쓰는 툴.

마야와 연동도 되서 더더욱 편리! 




ffmpeg를 설치하면, 키프레임프로에 임포트 한, 레퍼런스 영상들의 선택한 구간을 익스포트 하기 편리. 
출처: [Gardenia]


ffmpeg 설치하기



[keyframePro에서 ffmpeg Path 설정 하는 법. ]

Posted by sunnysmileHJ



Posted by sunnysmileHJ



Posted by sunnysmileHJ


2018년에 작업 한 게 이제야 공개되었다. 

 영상 중간중간, 올해 몇 몇 컷이 신규로 리뉴얼 작업 되긴 했다.



'작업영상(Portfolio) > 2018' 카테고리의 다른 글

2018 [Blade&soul-투사]  (0) 2019.07.26
2018 [바람이 잠든 곳으로 -황후의 노래]  (0) 2019.07.26
Posted by sunnysmileHJ



Posted by sunnysmileHJ