출처: https://imotions.com/blog/facial-action-coding-system/

다시 정리 예정. 

Main Action Units

Action UnitDescriptionFacial MuscleExample (Hover to Play)
 1Inner Brow RaiserFrontalis, pars medialis
 2Outer Brow Raiser (unilateral, right side)Frontalis, pars lateralis
AU2 right only FACSGIF
 4Brow LowererDepressor Glabellae, Depressor Supercilli, Currugator
au4 brow lowererGIF
 5Upper Lid RaiserLevator palpebrae superioris
 6Cheek RaiserOrbicularis oculi, pars orbitalis
AU6 cheek raiserGIF
 7Lid TightenerOrbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis
AU7 lid tightenerGIF
 9 (also shows slight AU4 and AU10)Nose Wrinkler Levator labii superioris alaquae nasi
AU9 with 4+10GIF
 10 (also shows slight AU25)Upper Lip RaiserLevator Labii Superioris, Caput infraorbitalis
 AU10 with 25GIF
 11Nasolabial DeepenerZygomatic Minor
 12Lip Corner PullerZygomatic Major
 13Cheek PufferLevator anguli oris (Caninus)
AU13 cheek pufferGIF
 15Lip Corner DepressorDepressor anguli oris (Triangularis)
 16 (with AU25)Lower Lip DepressorDepressor labii inferioris
 17Chin RaiserMentalis
AU17 FACS guideGIF
 18 (with slight AU22 and AU25)Lip PuckererIncisivii labii superioris and Incisivii labii inferioris
AU18 with 22A and 25AGIF
 20Lip stretcherRisorius 
AU20 lip stretcherGIF
 22 (with AU25)Lip FunnelerOrbicularis oris
AU22 with 25 FACSGIF
 23Lip TightenerOrbicularis oris
 24Lip PressorOrbicularis oris
AU24 image FACS guideGIF
 25Lips partDepressor Labii, Relaxation of Mentalis (AU17), Orbicularis Oris
 26 (with AU25)Jaw DropMasetter; Temporal and Internal Pterygoid relaxed
AU26 with 25 FACS affectivaGIF
 27Mouth StretchPterygoids, Digastric
AU27 mouth stretcherGIF
 28 (with AU26)Lip SuckOrbicularis oris
AU28 with 26 FACS affectivaGIF
 41Lid droopRelaxation of Levator Palpebrae Superioris
42SlitOrbicularis oculi
AU42 slitGIF
 43Eyes ClosedRelaxation of Levator Palpebrae Superioris
AU43 eyes closedGIF
 44SquintOrbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis
 45BlinkRelaxation of Levator Palpebrae and Contraction of Orbicularis Oculi, Pars Palpebralis.
 AU45 blinkGIF
 46WinkLevator palpebrae superioris; Orbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis
AU46 winkGIF


Head Movement Action Units

Action UnitDescriptionExample (Hover to Play)
 51Head Turn Left
AU51 head turn leftGIF
 52Head Turn Right
AU52 head turn rightGIF
 53Head Up
AU53 head upGIF
 54Head Down
AU54 head downGIF
 55Head Tilt Left
AU55 head tilt leftGIF
 56Head Tilt Right
AU56 head tilt rightGIF
 57Head Forward
AU57 head forwardGIF
 58Head Back
 AU58 head backGIF


Eye Movement Action Units

Action UnitDescriptionExample (Hover to Play)
 51Eyes Turn Left
 51Eyes Turn Right
AU62 eyes rightGIF
 51Eyes Up
AU63 eyes upGIF
 51Eyes Down
AU64 eyes downGIF

Emotions and Action Units

The Action Units described above show the different movements of facial muscles. Certain combined movements of these facial muscles pertain to a displayed emotion. Emotion recognition is completed in iMotions using Affectiva or Emotient, which uses the collection of certain action units to provide information about which emotion is being displayed. For example, happiness is calculated from the combination of action unit 6 (cheek raiser) and 12 (lip corner puller). A complete list of these combinations and the emotion that they relate to is shown below. The gifs on the right are shown in the same order that the action units listed.

EmotionAction UnitsDescriptionExamples (Hover to Play)
Happiness / Joy6 + 12Cheek Raiser, Lip Corner Puller

AU12 lip corner pullerGIF

Sadness1 + 4 + 15Inner Brow Raiser, Brow Lowerer, Lip Corner Depressor
AU1 inner brow raiserGIF

au4 brow lowererGIF

AU15 lip corner depressorGIF

Surprise1 + 2 + 5 + 26Inner Brow Raiser, Outer Brow Raiser, Upper Lid Raiser, Jaw Drop
AU1 inner brow raiserGIF

au2 outer brow raiserGIF

au5 upper lid raiserGIF

AU26 jaw dropGIF

Fear1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 20 + 26Inner Brow Raiser, Outer Brow Raiser, Brow Lowerer, Upper Lid Raiser, Lid Tightener, Lip Stretcher, Jaw Drop
AU1 inner brow raiserGIF

au2 outer brow raiserGIF

au4 brow lowererGIF

au5 upper lid raiserGIF

AU7 lid tightenerGIF

AU20 lip stretcherGIF

AU26 jaw dropGIF

Anger4 + 5 + 7 + 23Brow Lowerer, Upper Lid Raiser, Lid Tightener, Lip Tightener
au4 brow lowererGIF

au5 upper lid raiserGIF

AU7 lid tightenerGIF

AU23 lip tightenerGIF

Disgust9 + 15 + 16Nose Wrinkler, Lip Corner Depressor, Lower Lip Depressor
AU9 nose wrinklerGIF

AU15 lip corner depressorGIF

AU16 lower lip depressorGIF

Contempt12 + 14 (on one side of the face)Lip Corner Puller, Dimpler
AU12 lip corner pullerGIF

AU14 dimplerGIF

Posted by sunnysmileHJ